Undergraduates are italicized; postdoctoral students are starred.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Kayton, K., Fischer, G., Barth, H., & Patalano, A. L. (2024). The left digit effect in an unbounded number line task. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 31, 2313-2322.
Gwiazda, G., Kayton, K., Alia, N., Bondhus, C., Barth, H., & Patalano, A. L. (2024). Does instructional intervention reduce the left digit effect in number line estimation? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 77, 2111-2123.
Patalano, A. L., Kayton, K., & Barth, H. (2023). Modeling the left digit effect in adult number line estimation. Cognition, 230, 105257. PDF
Williams, K., Xing*, C., Bradley, K., Barth, H., & Patalano, A. L. (2023). Potential moderators of the left digit effect in numerical estimation. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 9, 433-451.
Kayton, K., Williams, K., Stenbaek, C., Gwiazda, G., Bondhus, C., Green, J., Fischer, G., Barth, H., & Patalano, A. L. (2022). Summary accuracy feedback in number line estimation does not reduce the left digit effect. Memory & Cognition, 50, 1789-1803. PDF
Patalano, A. L., Williams, K., Weeks, G., Kayton, K., & Barth, H. (2022). The left digit effect in a complex judgment task: Evaluating hypothetical college applicants. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 35, e2247. PDF
Williams, K., Paul, J., Zax, A., Barth, H., & Patalano, A. L. (2020). Number line estimation and standardized test performance: The left digit effect does not predict SAT math score. Brain and Behavior, 00:e01877. PDF
Williams, K., Zax, A., Reichelson, S., Patalano, A. L. & Barth, H. (2020). Developmental change in partition dependent resource allocation behavior. Memory & Cognition, 48, 1007-1014. PDF
Patalano, A. L., Lolli, S., & Sanislow, C. (2020). Brief report on the relationship between temporal discount rate and error related negativity for immediate versus future choice options. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 151, 1-6. PDF
Patalano, A. L., Zax, A., Williams, K., Mathias, L., Cordes, S., & Barth, H. (2020). Intuitive symbolic magnitude judgments and decision making under risk in adults. Cognitive Psychology, 118. 101273. PDF
Zax, A., Williams, K., Patalano, A., Slusser*, E., Cordes, S., & Barth, H. (2019). What do biased estimates tell us about cognitive processing? Intuitive proportional reasoning in spatial judgments. Journal of Cognition and Development, 20, 702-728. PDF
Xing*, C., Paul, J., Zax, A., Cordes, S., Barth, H., & Patalano, A. L. (2019). Probability range and probability distortion in a gambling task. Acta Psychologica, 197 39-51. PDF
Reichelson, S., Zax, A., Patalano, A. L. & Barth, H. C. (2019). Partition dependence in development: Are decisions shaped by the arbitrary grouping of options? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72 1029-1036. PDF
Patalano, A. L., Lolli, S. L.,, & Sanislow, C. S. (2018). Gratitude intervention modulates P3 activity in a temporal discounting task. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 133, 202-210. PDF
Reichelson, S., Zax, A., Bass, I., Patalano, A. L. & Barth, H. C. (2018). Partition dependence in consumer choice: Perceptual groupings do not reliably shape options. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2, 1178-1183. PDF
Schug*, M., Shusterman, A., Barth, H., & Patalano, A. L. (2016). Early group bias in the Faroe Islands: Cross-cultural variation in children’s group-based reasoning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69, 1741-1751. PDF
Patalano, A. L., Saltiel, J. R., Machlin, L., & Barth, H. (2015). The role of numeracy and approximate number system acuity in predicting value and probability distortion. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22, 1820-1829. PDF
Patalano, A. L., Weizenbaum, E. L., Lolli, S. L., & Anderson, A. (2015). Maximization and search for alternatives in decision situations with and without loss of options. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 8, 411-423. PDF
Schug*, M. G., Shusterman, A., Barth, H., & Patalano, A. L. (2013). Minimal group membership influences children’s responses to novel experience with group members. Developmental Science, 16, 47-55. PDF
Patalano, A. L., & LeClair, Z. (2011). The influence of group decision making on indecisiveness-related decisional confidence. Judgment and Decision Making, 6, 163-175. PDF
Patalano, A. L., Juhasz, B. J., & Dicke, J. (2010). The relationship between indecisiveness and eye fixations in a decision-related informational search task. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 23, 353-368. PDF
Patalano, A. L., Wengrovitz, S. M., & Sharpes, K. M. (2009). The influence of category coherence on inference about cross-classified entities. Memory & Cognition, 37, 21-28. PDF
Duncan, S. D., Wengrovitz, S. M., Sedlovskaya, A., & Patalano, A. L. (2007). Weighing waiting: The influence of information certainty and delay penalty on waiting behavior. Judgment and Decision Making, 2, 351-358. PDF
Patalano, A. L., & Wengrovitz, S. M. (2007). Indecisiveness and response to risk in deciding when to decide. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 20, 405-424. PDF
Patalano, A. L., & Ross, B. H. (2007). The role of category coherence in experience-based prediction. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 14, 629-634. PDF
Patalano, A. L., & Wengrovitz, S. M. (2006). Cross-cultural exploration of the Indecisiveness Scale: A comparison of Chinese and American men and women. Personality and Individual Differences, 41, 813-824. PDF
Patalano, A. L., Chin-Parker, S., & Ross, B. H. (2006). The importance of being coherent: Category coherence, cross-classification, and reasoning. Journal of Memory and Language, 54, 407-424. PDF
Hauser, M. D., Dehaene, S., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., & Patalano, A. L. (2002). Spontaneous number discrimination of multi-format auditory stimuli in cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus). Cognition, 86, B23-B32. PDF
Patalano, A. L., Smith, E. E., Jonides, J., & Koeppe, R. (2001). PET evidence for multiple strategies of categorization. Journal of Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 1, 360-370. PDF
Seifert, C. M., & Patalano, A. L. (2001). Opportunism in memory: Preparing for chance encounters. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 10, 198-201. PDF
Reed, J. M., Squire, L. R., Patalano, A. L., Smith, E. E., & Jonides, J. (1999). Learning about categories that are defined by object-like stimuli despite impaired declarative memory. Behavioral Neuroscience, 113, 1-9. PDF
Yates, J. F., Lee, J. W., Shinotsuka, H., Patalano, A. L., & Sieck, W. (1998). Cross-cultural variations in probability judgment accuracy: Beyond general knowledge overconfidence? Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 74, 89-117. PDF
Smith, E. E., Patalano, A. L., & Jonides, J. (1998). Alternative strategies of categorization. Cognition, 65, 167-196. PDF
Patalano, A. L., & Seifert, C. M. (1997). Opportunistic planning: Being reminded of pending goals. Cognitive Psychology, 34, 1-36. PDF
Patalano, A. L., & Seifert, C. M. (1994). Memory for impasses in problem solving. Memory & Cognition, 22, 234-242. PDF
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Patalano, A. L., Ross, B. H., & Chin-Parker, S. (2003). The role of coherence in category-based explanation. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society [refereed] (pp. 910-915). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. PDF
Patalano, A. L., Seifert, C. M., & Hammond, K. J. (1993). Predictive encoding: Recognizing opportunities. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society [refereed] (pp. 800-805). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. PDF
Seifert, C. M., & Patalano, A. L. (1991). Memory for incomplete tasks: A re-examination of the Zeigarnik effect. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society [refereed] (pp. 114-119). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. PDF
Book Chapters
Yates, J. F., Veinott, E., & Patalano, A. L. (2003). Hard decisions, bad decisions: On decision quality and decision aiding. In S. Schneider, & J. Shanteau (Eds.), Emerging Perspectives in Judgment and Decision Research (pp. 13-63). New York: Cambridge University Press. PDF
Yates, J. F., & Patalano, A. L. (1999). Decision making and aging. In D. Park, R. Morrell, & K. Shifren (Eds.), Processing of medical information in aging patients: Cognitive and human factors perspectives (pp. 31-54). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. PDF
Seifert, C. M., Patalano, A. L., Hammond, K. J., & Converse, T. M. (1997). Experience and expertise: The role of memory in planning for opportunities. In P. J. Feltovich, K. M. Ford, & R. R. Hoffman (Eds.), Expertise in context (pp. 101-123). Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press/ MIT Press. PDF
Jonides, J., Reuter-Lorenz, P. A., Smith, E. E., Awh, E., Barnes, L. L., Drain, M., Glass, J., Lauber, E. J., Patalano, A. L., & Schumacher, E. (1996). Verbal and spatial working memory in humans. In D. L. Medin (Ed.), The Psychology of Learning and Motivation (Vol. 35, pp. 165-192). New York: Academic Press. PDF
Seifert, C. M., Meyer, D. E., Davidson, N., Patalano, A. L., & Yaniv, I. (1995). Demystification of cognitive insight: Opportunistic assimilation and the prepared-mind hypothesis. In R. Sternberg, & J. Davidson (Eds.), The nature of insight (pp. 65-124). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. PDF
Barth, H., Cordes, S., & Patalano, A. L. (2018). Suboptimality in perceptual decision making and beyond. [Peer commentary on “Suboptimality in perceptual decision making” by D. Rahnev & R. N. Denison], Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41, e225.